MGNA at Farmers Market

Master Gardeners will staff  space at the Madison County Farmers Market on Saturdays from 10 AM-2 PM through October.  On the first and third Saturdays of each month we’ll simply have an information table where market customers can learn more about us, the MG course, and get their gardening questions answered.  On the second Saturday of each month we’ll host a Make & Take class or have a presentation.  On the 4th Saturday of each month we’ll have the soil pH testing table.  This is a terrific opportunity for us to expand our presence in the community and showcase the MG program and the Alabama Cooperative Extension System.

Sign up to help HERE.

Newspaper article about upcoming Make and Take class as well as information about MGNA participation.

Sue Khoury and Susan Kirkpatrick at July 6 MGNA table at Farmers Market.